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Life at Wayland Heights
House and Around
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Aug 2, 2016
zucchini fritters
Today's recipe is a simple vegetarian lunch option with very easy preparation. Zucchini fritters. I usually start thinking of this recipe...
Jul 11, 2016
avocado spread
This weekend I found and tried an amazing recipe for an avocado spread. Even though I'm a fan of avocados and I know how healthy they...
Jun 22, 2016
baked cauliflower
Have I ever mentioned that I hated vegetables when I was little? I really did. From all the different kinds of veggies all I would eat...
Sep 16, 2014
risoto - meat & vegan version
I never liked risotto when growing up. My mom used to just cook white rice, then cook chicken meat, mix it together without any amount of...
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