It seems to me that Easter is approaching much faster this year then usually. It actually feels like just yesterday when I was in the church for Ash Wednesday and now it's only couple more week until Easter Sunday. It really hit me this Saturday when I was doing some shopping and I saw Easter decorations all over the place.
All over the store there were Easter bunnies (which I personally don't associate with Easter at all). I tried to look for some nice Easter eggs but a plastic pretend-to-be egg isn't an option for me. So I decided I'll do it myself. For the first time in my life I was about the decorate eggs with wax and colour.
Of course first I googled the instructions and bought all the materials like crayons, ribbon, acrylic colour, then I needed 3 empty cans (from coke or ginger ale), pencil, pin, and brush which I all had at home. I also found a nice picture of Easter eggs which served as a template for my first-ever decorating.
It took me 30 minutes of painting 6 eggs red in three layers, 1 night for the eggs to dry completely, and 1 more hour for decorating with melted crayons instead of coloured wax.
And I got from here:

to here:

and here:

I'm definitely doing this next year as well. It was great to see that the sixth egg was much much better than the first one, I felt like I would be a pro after half a dozen more. But I'll have to leave that for 2017.